First Name
Last Name


Rates are subject to change if not submitted by due date or print-ready to the specifications stated below.
The Membership Directory (printed November) will have advertisements printed in black and white, The Broadcaster (our
newsletter) advertisements will be printed in full color, if full color copy is provided. If a print-ready advertisement is not received electronically,
placement cannot be guaranteed. All of the cover options are first come, first served.

The Membership Directory will be printed November  to ensure our members receive it by January 1, of the upcoming year. The Broadcaster is
printed three times throughout the year. All publications are distributed electronically and are displayed on the NYSAC website.

Important information & details on sponsorship levels: Both advertising levels include a link to each sponsor’s website, if submitted, on the
NYSAC website. In addition, the information provided by all Gold Sponsors will be prominently displayed on the NYSAC website. This includes
the option to add an organization description which will be listed under the sponsor name, as well as an option to add a video link. Please note
that all sponsors are solely responsible for the content included on any website submitted on this form. All NYSAC advertisers and sponsors
must be NYSAC members in good standing

Membership Dues Schedule

Payment Information

* If you have any questions please call the NYSAC office at (518) 434-1134. This information will be listed in our membership directory and on our website.

Please send your advertisement electronically, to Brendan Boyle, at bjb@fwc-law.com. If we do not receive a print-ready advertisement,
we cannot guarantee inclusion in the publications. Please send your advertisement in a jpg/jpeg file format in the highest resolution
possible to ensure a quality printed image. Further, please send a copy of your advertising contract and a check to the NYSAC Office.
Kindly make all checks payable to “New York State Association of Cemeteries” and not any other acronym, such as “NYSAC”. If you have
any questions regarding general membership or the advertising contract, please call or email the NYSAC office at (518) 434-1134 or

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The New York State Association of Cemeteries (NYSAC) carefully controls the use of its name, logos,
graphics and trademarks. No supplier member may use NYSAC’s logos, graphics or trademarks for any purpose including but not limited
to commercial usage, nor may they imply or state that NYSAC provides an endorsement of a particular product or service, without the
express written permission of NYSAC or its designated agent. Further, any and all email communication by any supplier member of
NYSAC to our members must include an opt-out provision for all future electronic communications.


Thank you to all of our 2022 NYSAC

Advertisers and Suppliers!