For Immediate Release:
[email protected] 518-434-1134 or Steven Sloane at 315-479-5826

Albany, New York – The New York State Association of Cemeteries (NYSAC) hailed the signing of the New York Pet Burial Law by Governor Cuomo following overwhelming support by the Legislature.

NYSAC is the state-wide association representing cemeteries of every size across New York.

“From companion animals to retired military service dogs, this new law honors the memory of the special relationships that exist between New Yorkers and their pets,” said NYSAC President George Baker of Webster Union Cemetery near Rochester. “This new law is an important step to keep our state’s regulated cemeteries in tune with the needs of the families we serve,” stated Baker.

This new law will provide regulated cemeteries with the option and not the requirement to place cremated pet remains in the lot, crypt or niche of their human caretakers.

“Increasingly, New York’s cemeteries are being approached to have companion pet cremated remains placed within the final resting places of their human caretakers. Until now, New York’s outdated cemetery laws have prevented this rational and popular option for our residents,” said Steve Sloane, Chair of the NYSAC Government and Legal Affairs Committee and Superintendent of Woodlawn Cemetery in Syracuse.

Under this new law, cemeteries that do not wish to provide this service would not be required to do so. This legislation merely provides the option for the interment of cremated pet remains in certain not-for-profit cemetery corporations, only in specific instances, and only incidental to the burial of human remains. This law would also not apply to religious cemeteries.

The legislation also outlines and provides important consumer protections for lot owners. Cemeteries that desire to inter such remains would be required to provide consumers with a list of charges which would be approved by New York State’s Division of Cemeteries just as all other cemetery charges are currently approved. Payments received for such interments would be placed into the cemetery’s permanent maintenance fund. Thus, this proposal helps to provide additional revenue streams for cemeteries who are in need of new funding mechanisms.

Senator Michael Ranzenhofer and Assemblyman James Brennan were the sponsors of the legislation. NYSAC expressed their thankfulness to the sponsors for their support of the families that the Association serves.


The New York State Association of Cemeteries is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the furtherance of effective cemetery management and operation for better community service. It consists of approximately 550 cemeteries and crematory members throughout New York, and approximately 65 supplier members throughout the United States and Internationally – all working together to provide professional services to the communities they serve.

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